Lovisa Sunnerholm ist als Produzentin maßgeblich für diese vierteilige Serie über das Nahrungsverhalten verantwortlich. Sie leitete bei der Vorführung des Screeners in London durch den Abend und hatte nach der Preview viele Fragen zu diesem spannenden Komplex zu beantworten. Am Ende des Tages sollte dieser den Zuschauer eventuell dazu bringen, die eigene kulinarische Einstellung zu überdenken. Ich kann jedem nur diesen kostenlosen Streifen ans Herz legen und natürlich ebenso ihr folgendes Interview.
Name: Lovisa Sunnerholm
Birthday: 13 feb 1985
Place of Birth: Helsingborg (South of Sweden)
Place of Residence: Stockholm
learned Craft: Marketing
2013- | Electrolux/AEG; PR manager EMEA. Executive producer of our new food documentary series „Tasteology“ |
2011-2013 | Naked communications; brand strategy |
2009-2011 | Prime; PR firm |
2007-2009 |
12 Food Art Questions an Lovisa Sunnerholm
1. Inspirations for my job I get…
when thinking of all the things we can do to contribute to something better.
2. Over- and undervalued I think is…
… Over: Chasing michelin stars. Good food is so much more than that.
Under: omelette. I love the taste and it’s simple, fast, easy to vary and you can get rid of old things in your fridge.
3. At the international gastronomic landscape I find good | bad that…
… Good that we see a bigger focus on environmental issues. Bad that we have come to where we are where it feels as if we have forgotten how to respect and value food.
4. Last time I was eating at…
… Pate Pate in Copenhagen. I was impressed that they have had such high quality over such long time. I love that place.
5. 3 more skills I really would like to have are…
… playing guitar, speak spanish and carpenting. Have been renovating at home and it would have been so much easier if I could do more myself.
6. My favorite kitchen tool is…
… my fridge. I often open and do meals based on what I find. I like leftover cooking, not only to reduce food waste but also since you have to be creative with what you have. When renovating I also invested in a really good steam/sous vide oven and now I could not live without it.
7. I have… around 20 cookbooks and my favorite book is called …
„Green Kitchen Travels“. It contains loads of great vegetarian recipes and beautiful images from around the world.
8. The most important achievement for me in the dining area of the last 10 years …
… I’m not a chef so would say that it’s what I’m currently working on with the launch of Tasteology. I hope people will change their relation to food after seeing the film series.
9. My last supper consists of…
… breakfast this morning with poached eggs, smashed avocado on sour dough bread and lots of coffee. Yummy!
10. And I would most like to eat with… my mum… , because … it’s mothers day today and we live far from eachother. Wish I could cook for her today and have dinner with the whole family.
11. The chef, who impressed me the most is …
… at the moment Jozef Yossef, founder of Kitchen Theory and part of Tasteology, because … he thinks like no one else, he has very high ambitions and wants to make the whole industry more sustainable and he is looking for new ways to do so. I am so impressed with the menu he put together on our launch events for Tasteology in London last weekend.
12. My life motto is:
„Be the change you want to see.“
Finally, 3 necessarily be regarded Foodie- sites on the web: